Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Frame not flush against wall - Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
Basement bathroom
entrance to guest area - frame not flush against wall - sticks out at top - visible join
entrance to guest area - frame not flush against wall - sticks out at top - visible join
Sample wall area - hallway near guest area - hairs, blobs, dents
guest room
guest room
guest room
guest room
Rough joint on step into guest area
Missing vent - main bathroom
Missing vent - main bathroom
Are not smooth around custom bookshelves - all bedrooms
Frame not straight - entrance to basement
Frame not straight - entrance to basement
Frame not straight - entrance to basement
Wall not level - entrance to main bathroom
Not smooth - mix of paints
Custom shelf doesn't fit
kitchen vent
kitchen vent
Entire first floor ceiling is blotchy
guest bathroom
guest bathroom
guest bathroom
guest bathroom
Main bathroom
Main bathroom - wonky cut - visible fibreglass matting
Main bedroom doors don't close properly on either closets
basement closet
Marvin spokesperson: "sounds like you have a fastener that has been shot into the balance tube." - this has happened to 5 of the windows throughout the site
Wonky top of recess in main bathroom
Water to barn needs reconnecting